Out for a drive and found this look off spot. Practising photos with anything.
This garden infront of the power station was very pretty.
The ship going through the welland canal. So big when standing beside it. Got to wave to one of the crew members.
Watching a boat go through this lock on the welland canal.
Some very beautiful white flowers, this is the best closeup I could get with the coolpix.
Looking down the Niagara River at one of the many bridges going to the USA from Canada
This was the only whale part we saw on this trip to Brier Island. It was still a fantastic time as members of both my husband and my family's were there.
Trying to capture the raindrops with the coolpix
Stadium seating the the Flat Water Centre, great view for boat races in the summer.
A peacful snowfall and practising capturing individual snowflakes. White snow is hard to balance with the shutterspeed needed to freeze snow flakes
Some of the loveliest winter sunset colors behind this evergeen tree outside my apratment.
This cloud pattern was very interesting at sunset. Was able to capture the pattern and colors
As the sun warmed the earth, it started melting some of the snow and ice. Was able to capture these icicles melting.
Sat down to take this photo. Was trying to see things from all angles and find the photographic opportunities.
Decided to get out and walk around after the storm and find photographic opportunites. Was able to capture this great closeup of a pinecone and is still one of my proudest yet.
Plowed out after the storm. This was the beginning of a big year of snow for southern Ontario
These colors were so dark and vivid after the sun went down. Did my best to capture them.
The way the winter sun washes over these trees outside our apartment in the winter is breathtaking. Was able to capture this gorgeous light
This shows how deep the snow was. Took a while to get plowed out this day.
Icicles on roof of wooden building with striking shadow from midday sun
Red and white metal snowflake decorations on a historic building with shoppers in the distance
Town clock in Niagara-On-The-Lake from a snowy sidewalk with people shopping on a sunny day
Colorful Lights Reflect as Geese Watch at night
Yellow Spotlight Reflected accross Canal at night
A hard rainfall showing the drops on the pavement.
Scenic view of the morningstar mill at Decewfalls and blossoming tree in foreground