One of the dippers was visable if you cranked your neck when at Crystal Beach. This is a stacked photo to make more stars and colors come out.
One of the dippers was visable if you cranked your neck when at Crystal Beach. This is a stacked photo to make more stars and colors come out.
Returned to Crystal Beach, Fort Erie. Attempted to take a picture of the Milky Way. It wasn't visable with the naked eye but after stacking a dozen or so photos I think I see it showing up a little bit above the light pollution from Buffalo, New York.
Returned to Crystal Beach, Fort Erie. Attempted to take a picture of the Milky Way. It wasn't visable with the naked eye but after stacking a dozen or so photos I think I see it showing up a little bit above the light pollution from Buffalo, New York.
Overlooking Lake Erie you can see Buffalo, New York in the distance as the sunrises. Venus and the moon visable in the sky and not dirt on the lens but swarms of Gnats shows how these were eveywhere that morning.
Overlooking Lake Erie you can see Buffalo, New York in the distance as the sunrises. Venus and the moon visable in the sky and not dirt on the lens but swarms of Gnats shows how these were eveywhere that morning.
As we were waiting to see Mercury the sunrise was reflecting beautiful colors in the still pool of water in the distance on Lake Erie at Crystal Beach.
As we were waiting to see Mercury the sunrise was reflecting beautiful colors in the still pool of water in the distance on Lake Erie at Crystal Beach.
3 of 5 visible planets in order with the moon. Buffalo New York in the distance. Taken from Crystal Beach. Lake Erie is the body of water.
3 of 5 visible planets in order with the moon. Buffalo New York in the distance. Taken from Crystal Beach. Lake Erie is the body of water.
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the night sky. 3 of the 5 visible with naked eye planets in order.
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the night sky. 3 of the 5 visible with naked eye planets in order.
Panda photo made for my sister's 33rd Birthday. Many symbolisms in here for her birthday.
Panda photo made for my sister's 33rd Birthday. Many symbolisms in here for her birthday.
Beautiful Sunset from our aparment balcony.
Beautiful Sunset from our aparment balcony.
Venus through the leaves of the tree at our aparmtent.
Venus through the leaves of the tree at our aparmtent.
These clouds almost look like they are handwritten. Gorgeous gradien and contrast of clouds.
These clouds almost look like they are handwritten. Gorgeous gradien and contrast of clouds.
Rain clouds that my husband captured. Very ominous looking.
Rain clouds that my husband captured. Very ominous looking.
I am not often up to capture sunrise and when I do it is usually blue and orange. This sunrise was more like the sunset colors and just beautiful.
I am not often up to capture sunrise and when I do it is usually blue and orange. This sunrise was more like the sunset colors and just beautiful.
No tripod moon photo, a little out of focus but not bad.
No tripod moon photo, a little out of focus but not bad.
The moon in day light, with clouds around it. Looks likei it is tucking into bed with a fluffy comforter.
The moon in day light, with clouds around it. Looks likei it is tucking into bed with a fluffy comforter.

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